Hmmm I hesitated to reply earlier, just in case there are subtleties I
might get wrong and mislead you - but here goes.
include / require are essentially ways to include the text of the
included file. Include will do that - and do it every time you use it ....
so you could have a trivial nonsensical example like ... - a file which will dump out a bunch of variable info ...
<? rev
put "Data is:" && gVar1 && gVar2 && gArray[temp]
and use it as
doSomeHandler gVar1, 17
-- and check what the current status is now
include ""
-- and check again
include ""
note that you can now change the file to do any other logging you might
want, and each occurrence will be changed.
NB - I have never used 'include' except in a few places where I should
have used require :-)
And I've never wanted to use it as I just described :-) :-)
require is similar, but the file contents will only be inserted the
*first* time; so it's useful to include the source of library-like
functions. And you don't need to worry if you do this in multiple
places. I used to use this a lot.
Note that include and require are both specific to LC server. I
basically no longer use them, now that we have script-only stacks. I now
develop 99% of all LC server functionality as script-only stacks,
testing in either the IDE or via LCServer as needed. And for this, you
use "start using" just like in the IDE world.
-- Alex.
P.S. Note - there are (I think) strange subtleties in using globals
and/or script locals in include'd / require'd files - very confusing,
and I suspect it's a bug - but couldn't quite come up with a reliable
mental model or example; that was when I just converted to script-only
library stacks.
Ahh... I see that the revIgniter library is the way to go for my number 2
question and I am immersed in the docs. But I'm still wondering about my
question # 1 (differences between "Include", "Require" and "Start using")
I've been using LiveCode Server for a few years now with great success as
various web services from LCS. I started this when I was a relative newbie.
I access my library stacks via "Start using".
1) Can anyone shed some light on the subtle differences between "Include",
"Require" and "Start using"? The docs are not clear to me.
I'm starting a new project using interactive web pages. I have an in house
web designer that I need to show how to call LC server scripts to populate
web pages. I would rather use LC Server and MySQL and my on-staff html
designer rather than sub it all out using and SQL server.
2) Are there any examples of how to do this?
Thanks in advance.
Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services
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