Terence Heaford via use-livecode
2018-11-15 15:03:07 UTC
This post is regard the use of Livecode on MacOS(LC 9.0.1)
When you set the height of this stack to 800 (for example)
The height of this card in the property inspector is 822 and is also returned as 822 in script.
This seems to be as a result of the menubar position on none mac systems.
I have "set as stack menubar" checked in Menu Builder
When displayed on screen the card displays with a height of 822 not 800 even though the menubar is not showing in the window.
If you then position say a button for example within the lower 22 of the card remnants of the button can be seen on other cards when you go to another card.
How is this supposed to be dealt with in Livecode.
It all seems rather confusing to me.
It is usual on a Mac to have a 20 border to the edge of windows etc. As stated above if you do this then parts of the buttons
for some reason show on other cards (22 - 20).
Livecode should simply identify you are on a Mac and the 22 for the menubar should be dealt with in Livecode code rather than leaving it
to the scripter to sort out.
On a Mac if you set the stack height to 800 then the card should default to 800.
Why can’t the menubar be stored by some other means?
End of part rant.
When you set the height of this stack to 800 (for example)
The height of this card in the property inspector is 822 and is also returned as 822 in script.
This seems to be as a result of the menubar position on none mac systems.
I have "set as stack menubar" checked in Menu Builder
When displayed on screen the card displays with a height of 822 not 800 even though the menubar is not showing in the window.
If you then position say a button for example within the lower 22 of the card remnants of the button can be seen on other cards when you go to another card.
How is this supposed to be dealt with in Livecode.
It all seems rather confusing to me.
It is usual on a Mac to have a 20 border to the edge of windows etc. As stated above if you do this then parts of the buttons
for some reason show on other cards (22 - 20).
Livecode should simply identify you are on a Mac and the 22 for the menubar should be dealt with in Livecode code rather than leaving it
to the scripter to sort out.
On a Mac if you set the stack height to 800 then the card should default to 800.
Why can’t the menubar be stored by some other means?
End of part rant.