I got the LC Indy web server installed and it can connect to the DB and
return JSON.
But as soon as I reference a password protected script file, it gave me an
// Database
include "model.lc"
include "xps_sync.livecode"
--I even tried "start using", but did not help
--was getting: row 6, col 1: Chunk: can't find stack
--start using stack "xps_sync"
put DoesItWork() -- Simple function that returns "It Works"
This is the error I am getting:
file "/var/www/html/model.lc"
file "/var/www/html/xps_sync_delete.lc"
file "/var/www/html/xps_sync.livecode"
row 7, col 6: Function: error in function handler (DoesItWork)
row 7, col 6: put: error in expression
Here is the simple password protected function:
function DoesItWork
return "It Works"
end DoesItWork
Post by Todd Fabacher via use-livecodeSUPER..I FOUND IT AND THE ANSWER IS YES!!!
This changes my entire concept of using LiveCode online. I can do full
debugging in my app and just take the functionality I want and move it
Post by Todd Fabacher via use-livecodeQuick question...we have some specific info in LC we need to put in a
LiveCode web script to be run online. But we need to protect the content.
Can we put that in a password protected script, drop it online and add it
in as an "Include"??
Thanks, this would be SUPER helpful,